Empowering women

to see their beauty through the art of photography

Which package is right for you?

Just for you

{$700 investment}

- Studio Location

- Private online gallery

-Digital download of images

The Glamour PackageĀ 

{$1000 investment}

- Studio location

- Unlimited outfit changes

- Professional hair and makeup

- Private online gallery

-Three images fully edited

(additional edits available for additional price)

-Digital download of images

-$75 print credit

The Bombshell

{$1400 investment}

- Studio location

- Unlimited outfit changes

- Professional hair and makeup

- Private online gallery

-5x5 mini album

-Digital download of images

-Five images fully edited (additional edits

available for additional price)

I understand, you have options....

One of my first boudoir sessions was an experience I will never forget. It was a moment that changed my life and has been my inspiration for Simply Beautiful You. I had started shooting boudoir with the mindset of taking photographs for a woman to give to her husband or future husband. Simply that. After my first session that all changed.

The woman I photographed had been sexually abused by her father when she was a child. He had always told her that she was the fat, ugly daughter.

By the end of our session she looked up at me and told me "Thank you. This session means so much to me" For the first time in 41 years, she had felt beautiful. She hadn't even seen the pictures yet. The experience alone made her feel like the beautiful woman she is.

My session with her made me realize that there are so many women out there who don't believe they are beautiful. Whether they believe that because of abuse, media, or other experiences, they need to know that they are beautiful, inside and out.

When I was in high school I always had people asking "What do you want to do after school?" I usually told them that I wanted to be a graphic designer or a photographer, but deep down inside I was always saying "I want to change the world!". The one time I did say that I got a little chuckle out of the person followed by "No, but really, what do you want to do?"

After almost 15 years with a camera in my hand I finally believe that I can change the world, one person at a time.