Eric + Shannan
August 5, 2017
I reached a big milestone in my career this summer; I photographed my 100th wedding in August. I don't say this to boast, by any means, but to thank the 100 couples that have trusted me to photograph one of the most important days of their lives together. To the clients who have turned into friends, and the friends who have become family, I thank you!
There is an old wives tale that says that it is good luck for it to rain on your wedding day. In all my years of shooting weddings I've only had rain at a handful of weddings, but Shannan and Eric's was a new adventure where we had not only rain (during the most important parts of the day at the first look and during the ceremony), but we also had the fun of a little Colorado hail storm. It started to sprinkle as we were getting ready for the ceremony and we decided to make it quick and continue as planned with the outdoor ceremony. Eric had said his vows when it started to hail and everyone scattered and made their way inside.
One thing I always tell my brides is that no matter how much you plan and try to prepare for everything, it is a wedding and SOMETHING will most likely not go as planned. Whether its something as simple as a mishap with the flowers or cake, to something as big as stopping the ceremony halfway to move indoors and out of the rain, you have to go with it and accept it.
As we moved inside and started to get ready to start the ceremony back up, I saw Shannan frantically looking around the room, and I soon realized she was looking for me. She looked at me with a look of panic, I said "it's all good!" and she looked relieved and shrugged with an "it is what it is" look and we made the best of it.
In my early years as a photographer I would get really nervous when things didn't go as planned, but after 10 years as a Colorado Wedding Photographer I've learned that Colorado weather never goes as planned, and you have to be flexible.
Shannan and Eric's wedding may not have gone as planned, but I have no doubt that their marriage will. I am so honored to have been a part of your big day. I am so glad that through this adventure we have become even closer friends, and I can't wait to see where life takes the two of you! Congrats friends!